Saturday, January 7, 2006

Sense of Adsense

Google Adsense has a good reason to call itself "sense", because it is targeting the advertisement basing on the hosting page content. If your page is talking about foreign exchange, it then chooses the FX ads to display on your page. Similarly, if your new post talks about share market, the ads will be stocks.

I found a truth: after I wrote a new post on my blog, the Adsense trended to accumulate more points to my Adsense account. I guess it is because that each new post causes Adsense to choose new ads to display on my page. The new ads usually worth more. By this mechanism, bloggers are encouraged to post more often.

Though it is enough good, I feel the Google Adsense is lacking presense to companies outside U.S. The ads almost come from U.S. companies. So they are less attractive to the users of Asian countries. The ads get less clicks.

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